February 25, 2012 was a red letter day for GTLI. US Ambassador, Donald Booth and his wife Anita, and USAID/Ethiopia Chief of Mission, Thomas Staal, spent the day with GTLI, elders and pioneer women of Wonga Bayno and Minogelti. They travelled many hours on bumpy, dusty roads to see firsthand the difference projects supported by you (either as a US taxpayer, a Rotarian, or private donor). When asked if their expectations had been met – everyone replied “Met and Exceeded – one of the most amazing days ever experienced in the field!” which is quite the testimonial because these people have seen a lot!!!
The women’s cooperative of Minogelti performed an incredible drama, depicting what they have learned in school and healthy hygiene/sanitation behavior training.
Gulu Bola, the chairman of the cooperative is now working as a paid GTLI community mobilizer, in the neighboring community of Itu, teaching CBLA (healthy hygiene/sanitation) behavior, funded by Rotary International. Two years ago, Gulu overcame death threats to attend school! A mighty, courageous pioneer woman
Kadja Elu has received elder permission along with 14 other community members to teach CBLA in remote communities as a GTLI mobilizer, funded by USAID/OFDA thru IRC (Int’l Rescue Committee). Another innovative first!
Anita Booth shows her loving gratitude to the Women’s Cooperative of Minogelti.
Following the ceremony, Ambassador and Mrs. Booth distributed candy to the children from the rural trading center funded by US Embassy of Ethiopia and supported by the WA Rotary clubs of Bainbridge Island, Tacoma 8, Tumwater, Kingston, Poulsbo, Seattle 4, Kirkland, and MN Rotary clubs of Duluth 25 and Northfield.
Many other activities these past three weeks:
1. Clean water and healthy hygiene/sanitation for 7,200 people project launched.- Five community mobilizers, 2 sanitarians, 1 water engineer were hired and trained in CBLA
- Fifteen Hamar “Ergas” (people who make things easy for others – wonderful Hamar word!) have been hired and trained to assist with this project
- Refurbishment of 15 water schemes has begun
- Duluth 25 Rotary, Proctor MN DECA students are raising $28,000 to make this emergency relief project sustainable (funds combined with Boeing GCC grant). Psst . . . they need to find $6,000.
2. Grand opening celebration of the beautiful – built to last over 100 years – school in Wonga Bayno, thanks to the generosity and hard work of Peter Seiler.
3. New grant proposal was submitted (1 minute before the deadline, much, much too close!!) which will provide the basis for integrated programming over the next few years. Please send prayers and positive energy to make this grant become a reality.
4. As well as our current Rotary Itu/Galcide project (healthy hygiene/sanitation and clean water for 1,090 people) and USAID project (healthy hygiene/sanitation and clean water for 3,700 people) and Rotary Self-Reliance thru Small Business continue implementation. Send energy for this as well – so much going on. . .
Our biggest challenge right now: mobilizing a reliable water contractor to construct two shallow-drilled wells. Know anybody??
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