We are on our way to Hamarland; this is my last night with internet connectivity. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the field. I left Ethiopia suddenly last spring to be near my daughter, Melissa, who was having difficulties with her pregnancy. Thankfully, James was born on schedule without complication. A beautiful, healthy big boy!
This is going to be a very busy trip. The field staff has three new hires; construction of the rural trading center in Minogelti is complete and will soon be stocked with the start-up inventory loaded in the rear of our pickup truck. The Grand Opening will be celebrated with the women’s cooperative and local government stakeholders this week.
The people of Galcide have clean water for the first time ever – we hit water at 22 meters. Another celebration! We need to sort out challenges with the water contractor to ensure the remaining two wells are completed as scheduled.
We’re phasing in CBLA hygiene and sanitation training in 4 new communities, phasing out CBLA in the 4 communities who have begun adopting healthy hygiene and sanitation behaviors.
Field staff training along with several government meetings - a lot of moving parts. It’s tough to coordinate everything when distances are great and efficient telephone communication is a dream of the future.
The drought, and resulting famine, is severe this summer. I truly hate that we have plenty to eat in our camp but no matter how much we share our food, nearby neighbors are starving. This is really a tough time for many people.
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