My family, friends and colleagues often hear me talk about my personal goal to become an endless source of Love, Peace and Harmony. NOTE: this is a very slow, bumpy work-in-process...
My first work week back in Addis was cut short by Timkit (Epiphany), an elaborate celebratory time for Ethiopian Orthodox Christians. The empty field, ½ block from my house in Addis, is a popular gathering spot for numerous local churches. Try to imagine, religious music and preaching broadcast non-stop for over 40 hours, so loud it is difficult to hear a normal speaking voice. Being a person who combats mental fatigue with quiet solitude, I find Timkit challenging.
At 3AM the second night, while reflecting on the meaning of Love, Peace and Harmony, I had my own “epiphany” I’d like to share:
Love = facilitating the discovery process of JOY, HAPPINESS for others
Peace= empathically understanding needs, concerns, belief system of others (which requires TOLERANCE)
Harmony= collaboration, balance, respectful co-existence
My take-away:
1. Timkit celebration is a good opportunity for me to practice “tolerance”
2. AND, the Hamar are experts at Harmony. Collaborating and sharing with others are “knee-jerk” reactions for them. During these past four years, I have never witnessed one Hamar ignoring the needs of a neighbor.
I’d love to hear your thoughts...